Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nadra Services Essay Example

Nadra Services Essay NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis) is a registration document to be issued to a valid/legitimate citizen of Pakistan. Previously it was issued to overseas Pakistanis working/living/staying/studying abroad for consecutive time period of six months or possessing dual nationalities but now it can be issued to any citizen of Pakistan. †¢ Data Acquisition at Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) o Issuance of Token o Photo Capturing o Thumb and Signatures o Data Acquisition by DEO o Form Printing o Attestation Form Submission †¢ Data uploading to NADRA Data Warehouse Verification and Clearance from NADRA Data Warehouse †¢ Printing at Production †¢ Delivery of NICOP to NSRC or Address The POC program endeavors to provide eligible foreigners with unprecedented incentives to get back to their roots, while ensuring that the motherland remains tightly integrated with expatriates worldwide which includes †¢ Visa-free entry into Pakistan. †¢ Indefinite st ay in Pakistan. †¢ Exemption from foreigner registration requirements. †¢ Permission to purchase and sell property. †¢ Right to open and operate bank accounts. Data Acquisition at Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) †¢ Issuance of Token †¢ Photo Capturing †¢ Thumb and Signatures †¢ Data Acquisition by DEO †¢ Verification from NADRA Data Warehouse †¢ Printing at Production †¢ Delivery of POC CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) is the core product of NADRA issued to a valid/legitimate citizen of Pakistan. It is a blend of state-of-the-art technology and well-defined business rules to guarantee its authenticity and validity. Every genuine, 18 Years and above, citizen of Pakistan is eligible for CNIC. CRC Child Registration Certificates is a registration document used to register minors under the age of 18 years. FRC Family Registration Certificates are documents issued to nationals of Pakistan highlighting the family tree structure of the applicant. Multi Biometric ID Card NADRA has developed a comprehensive system with Interactive Data Acquisition Web methodologies; acquiring, transferring, processing, archiving data producing ISO compliant secure identification documents. This system generates unique citizen identification numbers for entire population. The Registration system integrates biometric technologies such as Automated Finger Identification Systems (AFIS) and Facial Recognition Systems and is capable of providing identity verification to all integral Government departments. The system can meet any standards required by the customer, including ISO 7810 and ICAO 9303 compliant ID cards. NADRA provides integration services for all types of ID technologies as per the clients’ requirement including Smart Card, RFID cards, Java cards and microprocessor based cards. The end-to-end registration system ensures authenticity of individual documents through visual as well as electronic means. We will write a custom essay sample on Nadra Services specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nadra Services specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nadra Services specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer NADRA provides the following services to its clients: †¢ Evaluate possible technologies and solutions for the project . †¢ Develop a new Identification numbering scheme . †¢ Define technical standards based on requirements and evaluation †¢ Define system security standards . †¢ Undertake a system analysis and design study of the manual process,  to identify gaps in the system †¢ Perform Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) of the existing  procedures †¢ Develop data acquisition methodologies and identify data fields required to be captured †¢ Identify required technologies pertaining to: o Data Acquisition Data Communication o Data Processing o Secure Document Production Document Delivery components †¢ Design Data Backup and Disaster Recovery (DR) plan for the project †¢ Develop requirements for integration with other government bodies †¢ Identify Hardware Software to implement a state-of-the-art system Interactive Registr ation: NADRA has the ability to provide its clients with Multi-biometric Interactive Registration Centers that can be designed as a one widow solution that makes good use of latest data enrollment technology to gather data directly from the applicants thereby eliminating erroneous data processing. The interactive data capturing not only uses customized software for on-the-spot data entry, but also employs software that captures an individual’s photograph as per ICAO standards and biometric technology to capture fingerprints. The data gathered at the acquisition centers is sent directly to the Data Warehouse for processing and finally to printing of secured documents. NADRA has successfully implemented the Multi-Biometric National Identity Card System based on Teslin ® for Pakistan. Till date over 96 million citizens have been registered and over 68 million ID cards produced. National Data Warehouse: NADRA has established the National Data Warehouse to cater the influx of huge data. This central repository stores demographic and geographic data of the citizen and processes applicant’s records for the issuance of multiple secure documents after exhaustive verification through automated biometric facial and fingerprint recognition and verification systems. All the applications running in data warehouse are designed and developed in-house, which caters for all needs of automated processing, personalization and verification with minimum human intervention. Some of the data warehouse applications are: †¢ Phonetics – probably the fastest search engine which searches on the basis of names †¢ Family Identification – provide vertical and horizontal family linkages †¢ Verisys – web based verification system Registration Tracking – tracks applicant’s application through-out the life cycle of processing †¢ Disaster recovery and replication module Verisys The requirement of identification document for evidentiary purposes is incomplete without proper verification mechanism. Having developed the Multi-Biometric National Identity Card for Pakistan backed up by the large centralized national database in the world, NADRA has introduced an  easy- to-use access tool for verification of citizens i n the country named as Verisys. To verify the issued CNIC and avoid any fraudulent activities NADRA launched Verisys, which is an authentication process to provide online verifications of Pakistani citizens to the government, private and corporate sectors for bringing in transparency, validation, elimination of fraud forgery. This is a web-based real-time activity displaying the front and rear image of the CNIC with added hidden information for verifications. Using NADRA`s strong network infrastructure, a reliable and efficient mode of connectivity is provided to clients even in the remotest areas of Pakistan. Automated Border Control To cater for the need for robust identification and verification systems, NADRA has developed Automated Border Control (ABC) system which serves as a tool for law-enforcement agencies in eradicating illegal immigration and human trafficking. The Automated Border Control System is fully automated immigration control system linked with the central Passport server. It authenticates e-Passport, identity and other travel documents by performing on spot Facial Recognition and Fingerprint Identification with utmost reliability and efficiency. It also keeps the record of automated data verification, passenger travel history, flight information, destination, port-of-origin, nationality, verification log and officer’s comments. The Automated Border Control is fully equipped to cater for the following functions: †¢ Optical reading and identification of travel documents †¢ Identification of passenger through AFIS and Facial 1:1 match †¢ Validation of PKI by reading MRZ and 2D Barcode PDF 417 †¢ Identification of passenger data and UV images †¢ Matching with Blacklist and Exit Control List (ECL)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Human development Essays

Human development Essays Human development Essay Human development Essay The purpose of this paper is to think of a particular time In my childhood and apply Brotherlinesss five systems to that particular time. Erie Brotherlinesss ecological theory in child development suggest that five levels of the environment simultaneously influences us as children. Frontbencher believes that we cannot fully understand the phenomenon of continuity and bio-psychological characteristics of a child without considering how we are influence by each level of our environment. The 5 levels he mentions are, Microsystems, Microsystems, Ecosystem, Microsystems and Chronometers (Feldman 2011). I grew up on the island of Montmartre which is a British territory, where the environment helped shape who I am today, I moved to the united states when I was 13 years old, where I realized that life there was much different than what I was accustom to, for I no longer had the support from the community and family members I had grown so accustomed to. This is why I found Brotherlinesss biological approach so interesting because it reminded me Just how much I had lost and how much I had achieved. The particular time period In my childhood that I would like to discuss in this essay is when I was about 10 years old. I chose this time period due to the fact that this was a time when life changed for my family and me in more ways than one, in some ways positive but in many ways negative. The most serious Impact on my life occurred at the age of 10 years old, which I will be discussing in detail further on in this essay. According to my reading the Microsystems is defined as the everyday immediate environment in which we lead our lives. (Feldman 2011). In my case the immediate environment at that time were my friends, teachers, brothers, and the community, they were part of the long-term Immediate environment In which I placed my trust, other temporary Microsystems that came and went are athletic clubs, boy scouts, and church, through those Microsystems I got a chance to build relationships, built various skills, and I also learned how to socialize through personal experience. At about age 10 1 developed a love for track and field and went on to win numerous medals In school which Is a personal success story of mine. In this period in time I could remember my family was close, but at the same time, having regular arguments and fights, I thought thing of It at the time, for I would Join the arguments to defend my mother in particular. I didnt have a father In my life so my mother was the one that took care of me, not having a father in the picture was not a good experience for me, I think this is why I was so close with my mother. My brothers I could remember were always there willing to teach what they knew, there were times when I wanted to be like my older brothers. I was younger than they were but we would socialize Like we were friends we, had a good relationship, through my brothers I learned how to act in school, all of those social interactions were crucial to my development. My family had the same problems like every other family but I felt protected surrounded by them. My mother and grandfather were always arguing, I would try to defend my mother of course. At age 10 1 could remember going to school, I was already tough because of what I learned from my brothers, I got in all sorts of fights with the other students but 1 OFF around. The teachers in the school were strict, they were allowed to use corporal punishment, so I would often get punished for not doing homework, fighting, and arioso other reasons. My peers at the time from what I could remember were tough. My community I would describe as been close, the community demanded respect, I could not pass someone without saying good day or good morning or I would be punished. The Microsystems refers to all the settings in which a child personally interacts and is influenced, so in my case my Microsystems are family, athletic clubs, and children in the community. All of those personal social interactions are what influenced me at the time, and which, makes up one of the 4 system of Brotherlinesss which is the Microsystems. According to the reading the Microsystems provides connections between various aspects of the Microsystems, the Microsystems binds children to parents, students to teacher and friends to friends (Feldman 2011). When two Microsystems come together, they form a Microsystems, most time a unique and positive experience is created, but other times you have confusion and stress on the child. My mother had minimal interactions with my peers but when my peers would come to my house she would interact with them, she had different rules in the house so there were often confusion, for example no eating n the living room, and no swearing in the house, this was due to the fact that two Microsystems came together creating a rift between acceptable behavior. She was very involved in my school affairs, she knew most of the teachers personally so she interacted with them on a regular basis, I would go as far as to say she was friends with a lot of the teachers at the school, all of the teachers were from the community, I couldnt hide exam results, or if I failed to do my homework the teachers knew her personally so they would call her. By bringing teacher and my parent together a ecosystem was created, the interaction between my parent and teacher showed me that they were interested in how well I was doing in school and was united in making sure I did my best. My mother was particularly strict and persistent when it came to me doing my homework, she would stay up all night if she had to, to help me with my homework and if I didnt do my homework and she found out I would be punished. I was involved in athletics throughout my school life and the community would be there to cheer on the children, so they were very engaged in our sports activities, because the community was small everyone knew each other personally from searchers, members of the community and friends, we all had a type of bond linking us together, if one person died we would all feel it. I would say that the Microsystems had a positive influence on me because it provide me the social support and consistency in practically every activity I took part in at that time. If I am correct my ethnic heritage is afro-Caribbean, am affiliated with the Christian church. At 10 years old I was not too familiar with what was going on in the rest of the world, there were murmurs of war overseas, but I was only 10 it didnt register to me or mean anything to me at the time. At that time I was influence by the Christian religion and the church, for my mother was adamant about us going to church every Sunday. According to the reading the macro system represents the larger cultural influences on an individual for example society, types of government, religious and political value system and other broad, encompassing factors are part of the macro system religious beliefs, or political views which are part of the macro system. According to my reading the Ecosystem represent broader influence, encompassing social institution such as local governments, the community, schools, places of worship and he local media (Feldman, 2011). My mother was the secretary of the secondary school on the island, I do not think I took any vacation at that age, my mother was a single parent and was never married, and there was no father in the picture. I could remember when my mother my went away for a long time and I had to stay with friends and relatives, I had to live under a set of different rules I felt that the love that I had from family around me no longer existed, things changed for that time period I didnt have my peers, or teachers around, this created confusion and I became assistant. I would say the single historical event that effected my development at that time was the volcanic eruption that destroyed my island. When the volcano erupted everything changed, my school life was over, a lot of the influential people left the island, and my school was transformed into a shelter, so I was forced to leave for the United States. According to my reading the chronometers involves the way the passage of time historical events affect ones development (Feldman 2014). Due to the eruption I had to live under different rules, go to a new in school, find new friends ND live in the new household, I became a different person due to that event.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A problem question in property law

A problem question in property law Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Property law 1. The property here is held as a tenancy in common as the words â€Å"in equal shares† has been used and the parties have sold and passed on their individual shares indicating their intention that they all own a part of the property as opposed to them all holding the whole of the property. The Law of Property Act 1925 stipulates that the legal estate can only be held by more than one person as joint tenants. A tenancy in common in the legal estate can no longer exist, so that if there is to be a tenancy in common then this must exist behind a trust for sale. As against the outside world (including any landlord) the co-occupiers (who are trustees) can only be joint tenants. Section 12 of TOLATA 1996 confers a right to occupy where the purposes of e trust include making the property available for such occupation or where the lands is held by the trustees so as to be so available. No right arises where the land is unavailable or unsuitable for occupation. Whe re two or more beneficiaries have a right to occupy, the trustees may exclude or restrict the entitlement of any of them as long as the trustees act reasonably in doing so. In exercising their power to exclude, restrict or impose restrictions the trustees are, by reason of s13(4), to have regard to the intentions of the person who created the trust, the purposes for which the land is held an the wishes of all of the beneficiaries who would be entitled to occupy [1] . Therefore on this basis it is likely that the other trustees will be able to sell the property and Beth and Emma will therefore be able to remain at the property. 2. Easements can come into existence in a number of ways; by express grant (either by deed or in writing), by implication on the sale of part of a property or by prescription. It has long been established that an easement is no more than a right over land and not a right to either possession or joint and exclusive use of it [2] . If an alleged right involves t he exclusion of the owner of land, it cannot be an easement. The precise scope of this principle has been considered in a number of cases. In Copeland v Greenhalf, above, a wheelwright’s claim to an easement to store vehicles on a strip of adjoining land failed because Upjohn J considered that the right was too extensive to constitute an easement in law; it amounted to a claim to the whole beneficial use of the part of the strip of land over which it had been exercised. In Grigsby v Melville [3] Brightman J took a similar view of an asserted right to use premises as a store. Nonetheless, in Wright v McAdam [4] , the Court of Appeal had considered that a tenant’s use of a shed in a garden for the storage of coal might be an easement. Categories of easements have increased since the decision in Dyce v Lady James Hay [5] and have developed over time to suit modern society. For example it is doubtful at the time of this decision that right to access car parking spaces wa s a valid or existing easement, whereas such easements are common these days.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jazz project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jazz project 2 - Essay Example Blues songs are not only written about the trials faced during the slave days, these songs are also written about the many trials that blacks have faced over time. After the slaves were freed, the black community had new challenges. While they were excited about being free and in charge of their own lives, there were still a number of obstacles that kept them from being equal to their white counterparts. Because of their inequality, the black community suffered significantly. For instance, the only jobs that were offered to black men were the jobs that their white counterparts were not interested in doing. These jobs usually consisted of back-breaking labor under harsh conditions. Some of the remedial tasks that blacks were forced to perform in order to make a living were working on farms or in the fields or the position of traveling minstrel (University of Scranton). Concerning the conditions under which the blacks were forced to work, one article titled â€Å"Life after the Thirteenth Amendment† states that though blacks were free from slavery; their jobs were similar to what they had to do while they were slaved. Laws were passed to keep blacks in poverty, such as prohibiting them from owning land, imposing stiff fines if they were not working (It was tough to find a suitable job due to severe racial discrimination and lack of work for blacks that did not cause them to take up positions of servitude.), and they could be sold into what was called virtual slavery if they were unable to pay the fines imposed upon them. What’s more, black children could be forced to work as apprentices (Thomas). It would be a very long time before blacks had the true equality that they deserved. Along with the inequality that the black community has suffered, they dealt with a number of other troubles. Blues songs were composed to help them cope with such troubles, as well as being a way to vent out their frustrations. Blues’ songs were sung about the themes that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Rhetorical analysis essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rhetorical analysis essay - Assignment Example These three stories are about â€Å"connecting the dots†, â€Å"love and lost† and â€Å"death†. Steve Jobs establishes his credibility, influence, and sometimes combines multiple rhetorical strategies to affect his audience to accept these enlightenments of life. To entirely understand goal of Steve Jobs in creating his argument on speech, the anticipated audience, apparent purpose and context ought to be initially analyzed. This presentation is at Stanford University as commencement. The audiences include top brains from the finest universities in the world. Steve Jobs advices and enlightens the graduates who are about to face life. In context, being an achiever, he imperceptibly uses his own life stories to convince his audience because the stories are reality. Steve Jobs’ humble beginning and the fact that he never graduated indicates that he has a lower starting point than these graduates thus confirming the reality of his stories. Steve Jobs presents his opinion and history as evidence that creates rhetorical backing in ethos. Steve Jobs, just like any other prominent speaker uses emotional anecdotes to represent their own personality and history. He begins his life story with his unwed graduate mother who puts him up for adoption and other clearly disadvantaged background as a poor child (Jobs Web). Steve Jobs, just like any other prominent speaker uses emotional anecdotes to represent their own personality and history. Presentation of his past connects well with his audience because they are able to relate his past and success. Job creates an environment that enables the audience understand that despite harsh historical encounters, it is still possible to excel. He also explains about a company he started that later grew into a big company and this reminds the grads that even them they can start off things humbly and be successful. Steve Jobs success in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Economics Markets Essay Example for Free

Economics Markets Essay The most probable result if the minimum wage for teenage workers in Australia will increase is that the employment rate will decrease. The effects on employment on the workers on the increase in the minimum wage of teenage workers will lose their job. This is because employers must retain their profit. Increasing the minimum wage of the workers will result into decrease profit of the company, thus employers will lessen their employers also decreasing their labor costs to retain their profit (Kennan 2007). Take for example a company that aims to maximize its profit. Currently, the companys labor force is n and the minimum wages for its employer is w. Consider a case when the company increases the minimum wage to W with no changes to other factor like profit. If this happens, the profit will decrease because of n*(W-w). The only way to regain the losses of the company that is brought by the increase in the minimum wage is to lessen its labor force n to compensate the losses. Drastic change will occur on the employment of teenage workers in Australia because employers will consider first the adult or the professionals. Companies that need personnel with expertise on the said company will be hired first because these professional are more equipped in producing profit for the company. The figure below illustrates how employment is being affected by the increase in the rate of wage of the labors. As the wage increase, so also the gap thus increasing the rate of unemployment (David Tuerck and Paul Bachman 2005). There are other possible outcomes when minimum wage rate will increase among teenage workers in Australia. Though many employee will be attracted on the high wage rate in Australia, there is a big possibility that companies will go to other places where there is low wage rate. Most companies now are finding their personnel on places where there is a low wage rate. This is to lessen other expenses incurred by the companies (Haussamen 2007).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Censorship - Banning Books :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Literature has long been an important part of human life. We express our feelings with ink and paper; we spill out our souls on dried wood pulp. Writing has been form of release and enjoyment since the beginning of written language. You can tell a story, make yourself a hero. You can live out all your fantasies. You can explore all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and share them with the outside world. But just because you can write, don't think you are uninhibited! It doesn't matter who you are. If you write a book, paper, or other work of choice, somebody is going to contest you. Some one isn't going to like what you have to say, and they will try to cause a stir. Don't try to deal with issues of racism, sexism, murder, sexuality, etc. That will only get you banned, barred, or burned. Controversy is a trigger for argument, so if you write about something controversial, people will have something to say about it. It doesn't matter whom the book was written for, about, or by. For example, you can't write about racism in America. We don't have any of THAT, do we!? I remember well my ex-boyfriend reading Of Mice and Men. It was required reading for his Senior English class. However, in the 1990's, this book was challenged and banned in many schools across the country. The book deals with a mentally challenged man who kills some one, and, in the end, is killed himself by his "best friend." And don't think the language was overlooked! All kids love the "Harry Potter" series. But they don't know that by reading it they are "indulging in sinful and Godless acts" or that these books are putting them on the fastest train to Hell. I own A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelfth Night, and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, all of which have been or are banned. What's going on here? The most frequently challenged and/or banned books in 2001 were: ? The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, for its focus on wizardry and magic. ? Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, for using offensive language and being unsuited to age group. Censorship - Banning Books :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays Literature has long been an important part of human life. We express our feelings with ink and paper; we spill out our souls on dried wood pulp. Writing has been form of release and enjoyment since the beginning of written language. You can tell a story, make yourself a hero. You can live out all your fantasies. You can explore all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and share them with the outside world. But just because you can write, don't think you are uninhibited! It doesn't matter who you are. If you write a book, paper, or other work of choice, somebody is going to contest you. Some one isn't going to like what you have to say, and they will try to cause a stir. Don't try to deal with issues of racism, sexism, murder, sexuality, etc. That will only get you banned, barred, or burned. Controversy is a trigger for argument, so if you write about something controversial, people will have something to say about it. It doesn't matter whom the book was written for, about, or by. For example, you can't write about racism in America. We don't have any of THAT, do we!? I remember well my ex-boyfriend reading Of Mice and Men. It was required reading for his Senior English class. However, in the 1990's, this book was challenged and banned in many schools across the country. The book deals with a mentally challenged man who kills some one, and, in the end, is killed himself by his "best friend." And don't think the language was overlooked! All kids love the "Harry Potter" series. But they don't know that by reading it they are "indulging in sinful and Godless acts" or that these books are putting them on the fastest train to Hell. I own A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelfth Night, and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, all of which have been or are banned. What's going on here? The most frequently challenged and/or banned books in 2001 were: ? The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, for its focus on wizardry and magic. ? Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, for using offensive language and being unsuited to age group.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Marijuana Subculture

Subculture: Marijuana in the United States Fatima Alikhan ENG 122 Professor Kenneth Newton Monday May 23, 2010 The United States has an approved list of drugs that are considered legal and illegal that create adverse side effects and hold diverse political views. Marijuana is a substance that popular media holds in a negative undertone while other drugs such as valium and alcohol are supported, if not glorified. Popular media is a powerful tool that gathers a mass of people and provides all types of information.Some types of information are historical facts, statistics, entertainment, opinions, and biases which alter the state and views of those who access it. Marijuana has had an extremely controversial political view throughout history and is considered a â€Å"gateway drug,† enabling users to pursue stronger and dangerous substances. Although marijuana includes negative side effects, statistics prove it may be far less dangerous to people and those around them compared to l egalized substances with higher danger percentages.The comparison and political attitudes of marijuana throughout history of the United States is what is examined in this paper to draw awareness to readers on the bias of intolerance towards marijuana. I plan on limiting my topic selection by choosing a limit of 3 substances to compare the statistics against and only recording major milestones that changed the way people viewed marijuana throughout American history. The underlying argument in this paper would be in the form of an ultimatum: legalize marijuana or criminalize alcohol and prescription pain medicine.The American people may not know why exactly marijuana is considered illegal when neither side effects or symptoms cause fatalities or crime when contrasted against prescription pain pills that target teenagers to adults. Alcohol related accidents are also significantly higher than marijuana related stresses however it has been considered wrong, immoral, and illegal for close to a century in United States history. The media’s portrayal of marijuana in movies and television shows has always been a carefree and adventurous approach.Movies such as Half Baked, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, and Pineapple Express depict the substance as a recreational tool that can enhance the quality of life and entertainment. Television shows such as That 70’s Show demonstrate an accurate depiction of marijuana use in the 1970’s which show a group of teenagers sitting around a circle smoking marijuana, giggling, and eating. Although the 1970’s was known for heavy drug use such as cocaine, LSD, and heroin, and the government’s epic battle on the war on drugs, marijuana was considered to be a gateway drug which led to endless possibilites and dangers.Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, marijuana was portrayed in negative connotations after President Nixon had declared a war on all drugs which was intended for the crack and heroin epidemic however extended itself onto marijuana as well. After the new century, the media began anti-marijuana campaign commercials that would be targeted directly towards teenagers. â€Å"Tests of sensation seeking targeting evaluated the effectiveness of targeted televised public service announcement campaigns in reducing marijuana use among high sensation-seeking adolescents,† (Palmgreen, Donohew, Lorch, Hoyle, Stephenson, 2001).This study used a controlled interrupted time-series design method to match 2 communities where one county and campaign was compared to another county and campaign. Personal interviews were conducted with 100 teenagers in a period of 32 months. The result proved the effectiveness of media towards adolescents. All 3 campaigns had reversed the trend of marijuana use. Televised campaigns that target a large group of people have an effective strategy in conveying a direct message and achieving its purpose.The message that is being portrayed how ever is based off of false assumptions and lack of scientific data. It is simply opinion however the message and the powerful tool of the media conveys a strong image to impose a crime on the substance. The portrayal of other legal drugs in the media such as alcohol and prescription pills is far more appealing to the human eye than marijuana. Alcohol is branded with trademarks and celebrity endorsements that promote an urban lifestyle.It conveys the message that it is chic and savvy to drink or that it can bring excitement to a social setting. Celebrities, fancy cars, sports athletes, musicians, and scantily clad women submit a message through media that drinking â€Å"their† alcohol will allow a person’s environment or self-image to be enhanced. Prescription pills on the other hand are not mentioned much in the media at all. The amount of danger and the percentage of addiction is at such a great risk for Americans however there are no repercussions taken by government or doctors.With the number of soccer moms, teenagers, and role models (athletes, etc. ) that are getting addicted to these substances, it is abnormal that the federal government hasn’t taken action towards monitoring or screening these substances as they do with marijuana. Marijuana charges for possession and distribution cost tax payers unnecessary dollars to keep law enforcement active, house non criminal inmates, and fund anti-marijuana regulations.In contrast, the percentage of income the government and private corporations receive from alcohol and prescription pills keeps skyrocketing yearly even though the damage done to people and those around them from these substances is rather substantial. The dangers and problems of both alcohol and prescriptions pills in comparison to marijuana have alarming statistics and percentages that make readers astonished as to why marijuana is illegal or why other substances are legal.Alcohol has a long history of being portrayed in medi a as a â€Å"relaxing† elixir after a long day at work or a method of unwinding. The role of alcohol in movies and television are false impressions of what would happen in a social setting if you were to be drinking a certain alcohol or the how much better your time would be spent if you were drinking. Commercials and advertisements use models, cars, celebrities, sports, clubs, and entertainment to promote an image or brand that alcohol brings life, love, and lust to any party however the cold hard truth is that it is far from the perception it sells.This multi-million dollar industry prides itself on a fast growing industry that has the highest percentage of users of a social drug in the United States. â€Å"We do not need the brewers’ reminder that the absolute quantity of alcohol consumed has been steadily increasing at a rate of at least 7% per annum to be aware that it remains far and away the most widely-accepted social drug in this country,† (Aud, 1981, p . 48). Prescription pills have not been much of a harmful substance until this decade.The recent increase in those prescribed with pain and given very high doses of pain medication has been astonishing. Although these substances are intended to target the pain, most pain killers given through a prescription are misused and soon become addictive. A minor toothache or certain back pain that may not require such high doses of medicine are being prescribed by doctors which is leading to numerous amounts of dangers. A local mother who is prescribed pain killers can also be accidentally distributing to her teenagers who may not need the medicine or know how to properly ingest it.The effect of alcohol and prescription pills are a deadly combination but are extremely popular among youth. The combination of both legal substances enhance the altered state of mind one would naturally get from consuming just one substance. Prescription pain killers have been the major focus study among teenager s in the past 5 years due to the availability of them compared to the frequency of its distribution now. The assumptions on health effects caused by marijuana have different results after several tests.Many may presume that marijuana causes an array of mental disorders and lack of control of the mind however, Mitch Earleywine’s research proves no such case. â€Å"In general, the drug is incapable of creating an overdose. It can exacerbate the symptoms of some mental disorders but does not appear to cause them. Data fail to show any marijuana-induced changes in brain structure, but long-term exposure to the drug alters the way the brain functions during complex tasks,† (Earleywine, 2002, p. 143).Issues such as mental illness, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, antisocial behavior are linked to the symptoms of marijuana and although it does not cause any exact disorder, it may enhance those symptoms. Marijuana is now medicinally researched to cure disorders such as insomnia, anorexia, and minor pain. Cancer patients also rely on marijuana to increase their appetite, decrease nerve pain, and combat minor pain (Goodwin, 2010). Marijuana is a substance that comes with many pretenses and opinions that may be based on scientific fact or public opinion portrayed through the media.The tests, evaluations, and studies examined in this paper provide adequate information to the reader in establishing a proper factual idea on what marijuana is, the portrayal of the substance in the media, what its effects and dangers are, and its comparison to other legalized substances that are much more harmful. Although the United States has slowly shown progress in decriminalizing marijuana and accepting the medicinal uses for it in states such as California, there is an underlying common misperception that marijuana is a substance of great danger, civil disobedience, and rebellion.References: Aud, J. (1981). Marijuana Use and Social Control. University of Illinois at Chicago. New York: Academic Press Inc. Baggins, David Sadofsky. (1998). Drug Hate and The Corruption of American Justice. University of Illinois at Chicago. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Earleywine, Mitch. (2002). Understanding Marijuana: A new look at the scientific evidence. University of Illinois at Chicago. New York: Oxford University Press. Novak, William. (1980). High Culture: Marijuana in the Lives of Americans. University of Illinois at Chicago.New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Philip Palmgreen,  Lewis Donohew,  Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch,  Rick H Hoyle,  &  Michael T Stephenson. (2001). Television campaigns and adolescent marijuana use: Tests of sensation seeking targeting. American Journal of Public Health,  91(2),  292-6. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:  67849612). Goodwin,  J.. (2010,  August). Smoked Marijuana May Ease Chronic Nerve Pain. U. S. News & World Report,1. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Doc ument ID:  2170726371).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

In what way is Dr. Faustus an Anti-Catholic Play? Essay

On the face of it, Dr. Faustus is not an anti-Catholic play. Yet, once you have read into it certain aspects of the play – there are many anti-Catholic notions and views that Marlowe has placed within the text. If the reader has no prior knowledge of how the world was in the Sixteenth century, then they would probably not uncover Marlowe’s hidden messages. There are many issues dealt with in the play, yet, they all follow a route to anti-Catholicism. All of the ideas dealt with are reminiscent of the period that Marlowe is writing in, when people did have quite ‘humanist’ views and were hostile towards the Catholic Church because of the lies that they had been telling.The main theme of anti-Catholicism is Dr. Faustus’ rejection of God. For a sixteenth century audience to watch someone reject God and sell their soul to the devil is the most anti-religious thing that they could do. They most probably would have been petrified of what the consequences o f his actions would be. Yet, at the same time, would most probably have admired his courage to stand against an establishment that had ruled their entire lives by preaching falsehoods and in effect stealing from them (through the sales of ‘indulgences’). Also, right from the beginning when we are introduced to Faustus, we find him in Wittenberg – the same place in which the monk Martin Luther lived – an anti-catholic statement in itself as Luther himself opposed the Catholic regime. I believe Marlowe has intentionally set the play in Wittenberg to make a statement right from the beginning that this play is set out to make anti-Catholic notions.The play deals with sin and damnation at the heart of Christianity’s understanding of the world. The play shows us that Faustus’ pride, which causes him to strive for knowledge, may have seemed admirable at the turning point in the Renaissance period, but that this pride and insolence to go against God makes him despaired of God’s mercy. Christian teaching at the time was that if you did not follow Gods rules, you ended up eternally damned to a place called ‘Hell’ – a place that Faustus both believes in and disbelieves throughout the play. Hell is represented as a rather psychological torture in the play rather than a physical one (as Mephistophilis puts it to Faustus). We can get an idea of the attitudes of the people in Faustus’ time by looking at how Marlowe represents Fau stus. We can guess that Marlowe has a negative view of what Faustus did because he compares him to ‘Icarus’ from Greek mythology when he says; â€Å"His waxen wings did mount above his reach, and melting heavens conspired his overthrow. For falling to a devilish exercise† By saying this, Marlowe is expressing that going against God and selling his soul was the ultimate sin that caused Faustus to be damned. The audience’s attitude towards Faustus may have been one of empathy rather than disdain for choosing to sin because at that time it was believed that it was our job to resist the temptations of the devil, like Christ did, but many people were tempted to go against God to find answers other than those written in the Bible, and would have understood his situation. It is not always certain if the play is a true representation of the attitude of a sixteenth century audience as Marlowe was a radical of his time and did have much more extreme views on Catholicism than his peers. Marlowe himself, spent time as a Cleric – even mocking religion and earning a reputation of being an atheist at a time when atheism was a state offence. This maybe being one of the reasons why the play is so anti-catholic because of his anti-religious views and as the most religious of all denominations, Catholicism was probably the easiest target.The first time we see the play’s anti-Catholic view is when Christopher Marlowe gives a sense of something wrong happening at the beginning of Scene III, when Faustus begins to conjure. We get this feeling that something is not quite right when Faustus describes the â€Å"gloomy shadows† and the â€Å"pitchy breath†, the image of darkness and night gives the impression that what Faustus is doing is dangerous and evil. Faustus practises the ‘Black Mass’, which was an anti-Catholic comment as it was praised by Satan worshippers, which would have made this scene extremely horrific for Marlowe’s audience, and definitely seen as a sinful act. Throughout the play, Faustus has doubts about what he is doing and thinks of repenting but it is his pride that keeps him from turning to God and asking for forgiveness. This happens throughout Scene V, where he doubts his actions, thinks of repenting and then because of his pride he becomes resolute again. The good angel tries to help him by saying â€Å"Faustus repent, yet God will pity thee† but he can’t face being humiliated and says, â€Å"My heart’s so hardened I cannot repent!† In the same scene, Faustus says that  he believes Hell is a â€Å"fable†, displaying yet again the anti-Catholic views of the play, as it is a direct comment from the Bible that here are two after-lives â€Å"Heaven† and â€Å"Hell†. By saying that there is no Hell, is saying that he believes that The Bible is lying – a sin against not only the catholic doctrine, but also all Christian religion. He is also writing off everything that he has ever been taught and in an indirect way, preaching to the audience that their whole religious life has also been a ‘fable’ in itself. Here, Dr. Faustus is taking empiricism to the extremes, as he honestly believes that he can sell his soul to the Devil and remain happily on Earth, this also shows Faustus’ extreme arrogance and the fact that he thinks he is superior to the rest of humanity. Scene V is an extremely anti-Catholic scene as it deals with the majority of subjects. One being the matter of the ‘Good Angel’ and ‘Bad Angel’; in this section of the scene, we ponder on the question ‘When is it too late to repent?’ – it is here that the divide in Christian denominations becomes apparent. Catholicism saying that after you have sold your soul, you are beyond the forgiveness of God. Then, the Protestant side, saying that in God’s eyes it is never too late to repent. The ‘Good Angel’ in the play is the one with the Protestant views – a blatant attack on Catholicism by labelling it ‘Bad’, then mocking it in the play. It is very possible that Marlowe wrote Dr Faustus in order to spite those around him – ‘those’ being the Catholics. Marlowe was not a religious man, let alone a Catholic and did not tolerate their beliefs, as evidenced by how clearly the play demonstrates the downfall of a religious man and reinforced themes of anti-Catholicism. It could be said that Marlowe created a man who would be considered an â€Å"ideal† Catholic – after we see him wanting to repent and the way in which he conforms to the people around him very easily, and then Marlowe damned him to eternal suffering; suggesting that during Marlowe’s life, he believed if you were a Catholic you were also damned to eternal suffering and saw no problem with this. Since reading between the lines and going into depth of some of the quotes that Christopher Marlowe so passionately wrote in 1550, it is acceptable to say that there are many aspects of the play that are either intentionally  anti-Catholic or unintentionally anti-Catholic. Yet it is also fair to say that Marlowe has deliberately put some comments into his play that are an attack onto the Catholic Church, its beliefs, practises and its followers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Last Days of William Short essays

The Last Days of William Short essays I choose the poem: "from The Last Days of William Short." This, in my opinion is a moving work that casts the thoughts and feelings of a dying man. The poem makes me realize that there is a lot of pain, suffering and mixed thoughts when death approaches. This experience is strange to me, so I cannot trully imagine what it feels like to die (and hopefully wont know for a while). Nevertheless, the author is very successful in making me begin to understand what a dying man faces. The fact that this man is dying of AIDS doesnt appear important in the poem. It could just as well be another disease such as cancer, or even old age. The lyrics make me realize that it doesnt really matter how you die, as long as you know that you are going to die. The concept presented in the poem is trully heartbreaking: the last thoughts and feelings of a dying man. He secludes himself from the world, in the beginning: To keep my pains shaded, to divert the curious eyes. Nevertheless, as he feels death closer his cry becomes so loud: I want you to know that I have been here, I want you to remember me. It is something we all wish: to be remembered. A person dying alone is the worst thing that could happen. If nobody remembers and cries for you that your life has been in vain. At the end of our lives, what else could we desire? If people remember you then your place in eternity is set. If nobody remembers, then you will just fade away. The dying man in the poem longs so dearly for compassion: have someone close my eyes, gently. The use of the word gently, has such a powerful effect. It makes me realize the pain that this man has gone through and the relief he expects to get after death; and he cannot get that relief if nobody cares for him at the moment of his passing. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Managerial Situation Which Raised Ethical Issues Essay

Managerial Situation Which Raised Ethical Issues - Essay Example I headed the recruitment drive in the bank. I had also shortlisted many promising candidates and was looking forward to training and mentor the new employee. Everything was going on fine until my superior told me about his relative. I believe in out of the box thinking, and for a while thought that it would be good enough to try out someone who had appeared unexpectedly on the scene. However, one meeting with this ‘relative’ changed my mind. He was a mediocre candidate who did not even hold the promise of developing himself. I told my boss right away that he was definitely not the right candidate. Moreover, there were at least five other shortlisted candidates to choose from. My superior is an otherwise efficient employee and I share a good professional equation with him. He has been a mentor to me in the bank for quite many years. He did not appear to have any compulsions on his side to employ the said candidate which made it difficult to understand his decision. My boss had even dangled a carrot of promotion at me for doing him this favor. The entire episode left a bitter aftertaste in me. I had held my boss in high esteem and now he was shattering his very image that I had in me all the while. It had never occurred to me that he expected a favor in return for guiding me. I however expected to remain in his good books by showing good performance and upping my performance. I was confused as to how he could take such a decision as he was compromising the work atmosphere and the image of the bank by recruiting an inept employee. The first thing that came to my mind was to inform his superior about the entire incident. Nevertheless, I did not know how to approach that person (i.e. my boss’s superior) as it had far-reaching consequences as far as the bank was concerned. To me, this was bypassing authority. This issue affected my work to the extent that I could not concentrate on my daily schedules and was making mistakes which would normally be not the case.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Marshal Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Marshal Hypothesis - Essay Example He was of the opinion that if the electorate was fully informed, they would reject the death penalty. I believe that this hypothesis is true, as many people who are in support of the death penalty are unaware of the facts behind it. One of the major reasons against the death penalty that would make the public reconsider their support for it is the discriminatory way in which it is applied. There has been evidence to show that the death penalty is more likely to be imposed on ‘poor, powerless African Americans.’ The fact that the juries were given the discretion to impose the death sentence means that there is a high likelihood of discrimination. Most people are unaware of the discriminatory nature of the application of the death penalty. If people were aware of this fact, fewer would support the harsh sentence (Walker 348). In most cases, it has been found that a majority of people change their opinions about the death penalty upon finding out the discriminatory way in w hich it is applied. The decisions of juries in capital cases can also be seen as evidence to support the Marshal hypothesis. The inconsistency with which the juries apply the death penalty can be interpreted to mean that the social values fundamentally reject the death penalty. ... The sentiment against the death penalty should therefore be considered in rendering the punishment invalid (Furman v. Georgia, 1972, p. 332). Various studies have also been conducted to test the Marshal Hypothesis. Most of the studies come up with the same results; that people with an informed opinion do not support capital punishment, and exposure to information on capital punishment reduces its support in those who were previously in its support. For most people, the most important goal of punishment is retribution, or ensuring that people are made to pay for their crimes. This is why in cases of crimes such as murder; some people will support the death penalty as they believe that is the only way that murderers can pay for their crimes. The support of the death penalty has been seen to be based on myths that surround the debate. One such myth is that the death penalty is more effective than a life imprisonment sentence. Another myth is that it leads to the lowering of the murder r ate if the death penalty is publicized. The facts about the death penalty are however that poor people who commit murder have a higher chance of being sentenced to death than rich people who commit the same crime. Black people are also more likely to receive the death penalty than the white offenders who have committed the same crime. If a white victim is murdered, the offender is more likely to receive a death penalty than would be the case if a black victim was murdered. This information has an impact on the people’s perception and acceptance of the death penalty (Walker 356). People who believe the myths about the death penalty change their opinion about it upon exposure to the truths about it. The Marshal Hypothesis says that people